Posts Tagged ‘counting crows’
Yupo sketch cards
Tuesday, May 25th, 2021
I got a new substrate to try, Yupo, which is an interesting synthetic that comes in a transluscent thin sheet, a more normal sheet, and a fat cardstock, all very smooth and non-absorbent. Basically the opposite of watercolor paper! I got a package of sketch card sized pads, and did some non-request sketch experiments on them in various media.
Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books
Tags: aceo, cat, counting crows, crow, duochrome, salt, watercolor, yupo
Eight for a Wish
Thursday, May 16th, 2019
The Counting Crows series continues!
Although the original rhyme is about magpies, there’s only murders hanging about outside my windows, so crows are what you get.
Seven charming fellows are flying in, with an eighth ahead of them already swooping along, banked to skim close to the thick trunk of this twisting tree. The ghost this time is looking more annoyed than anything; perhaps it’s not a fan of birds.
Although one of my patrons has already claimed this for their collection, you can still admire its creepy fog, spooky tree, and the gentle motion of eight pairs of wings.

Eight for a Wish, detail, by Amy Crook
Above, you can see the ghost’s very grumpy expression and the soft flutter of many wings. Below, it’s haunting this frame before it flies off to its new home.

Eight for a Wish, framed art by Amy Crook
Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Floating Gallery, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
Tags: counting crows, crow, ghost, nfs, primatek, sold, tree, watercolor
Seven for a Secret 2
Tuesday, February 6th, 2018
This moody series of Counting Crows paintings has its seventh addition!
The tree here has clearly been through quite a bit of storm-tossing or other rough handling, with broken branches and even the top pointing jaggedly to the sky while it spreads itself as well as it can with what remains. A murder of crows alights, and a ghostly figure awaits in the fog.
Where would you show this seventh secret?

Seven for a Secret 2, detail, by Amy Crook
Above, you can see a couple of the crows, a fraction of the full murder. Below, they’re in a frame like looking through a window into another, spookier reality.

Seven for a Secret 2, framed art by Amy Crook
Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Floating Gallery, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
Tags: counting crows, crow, ghost, nfs, primatek, sold, tree, watercolor
Six for Gold
Friday, September 8th, 2017
Six paintings in this series now, amazing! All of the previous ones are in their new homes, but there’s a print set that will bring them all to you. Or, of course, you can take this one home and start your own collection of crows.
The figure in this one is particularly eerie, and the tree is beautifully bent by a wind you can’t see but can only imagine. The crows are weathering the mist with equanimity, waiting to ride the breezes off to wherever they roost.

Six for Gold, detail, by Amy Crook
Above, you can see the eerie little figure waiting beneath the wind-twisted tree. Below, this painting lurks in its frame, a moody little scene just waiting for a wall.

Six for Gold, framed art by Amy Crook
Categories: Floating Gallery, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
Tags: bloodstone, counting crows, nfs, primatek, sold, tree, watercolor
Counting Crows print set
Thursday, July 27th, 2017

Counting Crows 5″x7″ print set by Amy Crook on Etsy
Do you love the Counting Crows series but can’t quite afford (or be fast enough) to get an original? I’ve made up a print set of all five on nicely compact 5″x7″ polar white print paper so they can flock together on your wall, or space the murder out around your home and office.
Subtle red glows through the monochrome of each ghostly image, from the skeletal trees to the mist-shrouded figures, the roosting crows and the foggy, indistinct land beyond. Bloodstone mineral paint created the original images, which you can now get in these beautiful miniature prints.
Named after the famous rhyme for counting crows, magpies, and other blackbirds, this would be a wonderful gift for your favorite lover of graveyards, ghost stories, and all things goth.
Categories: Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Series and Books
Tags: counting crows, etsy
Five for Silver 2
Wednesday, June 7th, 2017
Part five of the eerily monochrome Counting Crows series, we’ve moved along in the rhyme to a whole roost of crows and a bit of silver.
Our ghostly figure this time has a distinctly skeletal appearance, and the crows are all arrayed above her in a perfect murder. The lightning-split tree reaches up through the mist toward what little light has filtered down on this foggy day.
It’s fascinating how fog can reduce the entire world to just you and things you can barely see, isn’t it?

Five for Silver 2, detail, by Amy Crook
Above, you can see the titular crows arrayed above the faded figure in all her eerie glory. Below, this painting roosts in a frame, waiting to fly to its new home.

Five for Silver 2, framed art by Amy Crook
Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Floating Gallery, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
Tags: bloodstone, counting crows, nfs, primatek, sold, tree, watercolor
Four for a Boy
Monday, February 6th, 2017
Mist obscures everything in this painting but the outline of a gnarled, drooping tree, branches bare in winter with just the tiniest hint of buds at their ends. Four black birds approach through the fog, and a figure all but dissolves into mist himself.
Is it foggier than it looks, or is the figure merely a trick of the eye?
This fourth installment of Counting Crows would make a lovely, creepy addition to your home, something to contemplate when the sun has burned away the mists of the day.

Four for a Boy, detail, by Amy Crook
Above, you can see the eerie figure staring out from the mists, surrounded by the tree’s bare branches. Below, the piece is safely in a frame, just waiting to find the right house to haunt.

Four for a Boy, detail, by Amy Crook
Categories: Floating Gallery, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
Tags: bloodstone, counting crows, crow, nfs, sold, tree, watercolor