Posts Tagged ‘nfs’

Random Recipe: Lentil Stew

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013


This isn’t really a detailed recipe so much as an outline of a recipe that you can fill in with whatever flavours you like. So far I’ve made a nice spicy curry, a lovely sage and oregano version, and a delicious sweet-savory Moroccan spiced stew.

As a disclaimer, I’ve been making and eating this mainly for the nutrition, so this is specifically an easy, cheap recipe that I can give variety to, freezes well, and is high in iron.

I have no idea how veggie-friendly it is, though I would assume very. I use meat to add protein and flavor, and I assume someone who didn’t eat meat would have something else they use for that purpose. Also, there are no onions in it because I hate onions, but you do what you like.

spices and herbsThe Basic Ingredients

  • 1 lb lentils
  • 1 lb baby carrots, chopped
  • 1 lb meat (I’ve used rotisserie chicken, ground turkey, and ground beef so far)
  • 1 package frozen spinach (yes frozen you whiner, you’re cooking it anyway, but thaw before adding)
  • broth & water in whatever mixture makes you happy
  • salt, herbs, spices, and other flavor components

baby carrots for lazy chefsBrown the meat if it needs it, then add the carrots, lentils, flavorings, and broth/water. I found that about half and half made a nice rich soup without overwhelming whatever I was making with the broth. I used the instructions on the lentil package for how much liquid (and then added more for the carrots etc) and how long to cook everything.

I add the spinach near the end so it stays as happy little green highlights without dissolving into the broth, but still gets hot.

I serve this over brown rice when I’m feeling virtuous, or white rice when I’m not. It’s very filling, and as tasty as you make it. However salty it tastes in the pot, btw, the rice will suck a lot of that away, so I always end up taking a bit of extra salt to the table to make up for it.


Categories: Words Words Words
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The Floating Gallery has a name!

Monday, August 26th, 2013

The Floating Gallery at Antemortem Arts arrives on the first of each month!

The Floating Gallery at Antemortem Arts arrives on the first of each month!

I got tired of not knowing what to call the little mini gallery shows I plan to have from the 1st-8th of each month, so I named it the Floating Gallery. The name is a reference to floating markets both real and imaginary, and so I obviously had to have a drawing to go with the name. I was inspired by drawings of dirigibles, pirate ships and of course Ronza*, and so I have an airship full of art coming in for a landing this Sunday.

I sent out my very first Patron’s List preview just now, with 6 new paintings (well, one’s a drawing, but you get the idea), 2 comics, and 6 new bookmarks. We’ll see what’s left when the Floating Gallery officially opens on the first! If you want your own peek behind the velvet curtains, you can join my Art Patron’s List here and get in early next month.

*I do realize only about three of you know who that is, just roll with it.

Categories: Words Words Words
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Mycroft’s Minions

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

Mycroft's Minions, parody art by Amy Crook

Mycroft’s Minions, parody art by Amy Crook

It’s more Minions! Am I the only one who sees these wee pill-shaped dudes and thinks of that old Naprosyn slogan, “Little. Yellow. Different.”?

After pondering the idea of crossing Despicable Me over with some of my favorite fandoms, I couldn’t resist the idea of Mycroft having actual Minions with his own little M logo on their overalls and everything. And then, when trying to figure out a scenario that would be fun to draw, I couldn’t help but imagine Mycroft in my favorite scene from the first movie, down on one knee smooching the Minions goodnight one by one.

This is another one of those ideas that had to be a card, but isn’t really for any occasion specifically, just to put a smile on someone’s face. Unless you know someone who’s actually got Minions, in which case it’s kind of a sympathy card.


Mycroft's Minons, blank greeting card by Amy Crook at Etsy

Mycroft’s Minons, blank greeting card by Amy Crook at Etsy

Categories: Card Design, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
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Sunday Round-Up & Minion Sketch

Sunday, August 11th, 2013

a week full of cartoons and things. but mostly cartoons.

a week full of cartoons and things. but mostly cartoons.

I had a tiring week of getting up early and doing ALL the things. How about you? Monday I posted a soaring bird of prey, and Tuesday Gonzo made a new friend. Wednesday the delightful Tara Swiger talked about her commissioned art. Thursday Lestrade showed up in the Giant Rats book to relieve Sherlock’s boredom, and Saturday John tormented Sherlock by demanding common courtesy in exchange for tea.

Today I have a little sketch I started while I was pretending to be a cat, and then finished after pretending to be a Muppet. This is my newest dorky fannish obsession — Gru’s Minions from Despicable Me 1&2! The minions are the best part of those movies.



Categories: Daily Art, Sunday Round-Up
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What Do We Say?

Saturday, August 10th, 2013

What Do We Say? Sherlock parody art by Amy Crook

What Do We Say? Sherlock parody art by Amy Crook

And here’s the third of my trio of Sherlock thank you cards! I’ll sell them as a set of three once I have time to take some more photos, but for now just enjoy Sherlock’s pouty little face and John’s expression of wicked delight to get one over on him. It must be especially satisfying to be able to hold something up out of Sherlock’s reach for once, too.

What Do We Say?, 7″x5″ pen & ink and Copic marker on paper.

Sherlock Thank You card by Amy Crook, available on Etsy

Sherlock Thank You card by Amy Crook, available on Etsy

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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Say Thanks, John

Saturday, August 3rd, 2013

Say Thanks, John, parody Sherlock comic by Amy Crook

Say Thanks, John,
parody Sherlock comic by Amy Crook

Another Saturday, another card! I decided I needed a trio of Sherlock thank-you cards, so you’ll see another next week just to round out the set. This time it’s John who’s rather begrudging the social niceties, which means it’s probably all Sherlock’s fault, somehow.

Say Thanks, John, 5″x7″ pen & ink and Copic marker on paper, nfs (sold).

Say Thanks, John, detail, by Amy Crook

Say Thanks, John, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see a close-up of the rather detailed cables on John’s sweater, and his grumpy pose. Below, you can see it in a frame, hanging out with a skull, a hedgehog, and my iPhone. And you thought you kept weird company.

Say Thanks, John, framed art by Amy Crook

Say Thanks, John, framed art by Amy Crook

PS – If it ever frustrates you that certain sorts of fan art are always sold when they go up, you can always commission your own.

Categories: Card Design, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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Sunday Round-Up & Doctor Donna Sketch

Sunday, July 28th, 2013

A full week chock full of fullness. Also, art.

A full week chock full of fullness. Also, art.

What a week! I had a bit of flu the week before and early this week, so I wasn’t sure I’d manage to get you a whole week of art, but I squeaked by. Whew. Monday I indulged in a pencil drawing of another of my own characters. Tuesday there weren’t tentacles, but there was an abandoned city on some alien planet, so, close enough. Wednesday I found 3 watercolors that I love and reminded you that they’re waiting for new homes. Thursday there were more strange stars, and Friday Bilbo got an overabundance of flowers. Saturday we shared a lovely view from the TARDIS.

Today’s sketch is another TARDIS-y one, which was a thank-you gift for a lovely patron who bought some Doctor Who art. I might redo it into a proper bit of art one of these weeks, what do you think?

"Are you sure this is safe?" "Just enjoy it!" "That's what they all say."

“Are you sure this is safe?”
“Just enjoy it!”
“That’s what they all say.”

Categories: Daily Art, Sunday Round-Up
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