Posts Tagged ‘self portrait’

April 2024 Patreon Sketches

Tuesday, June 4th, 2024

Once again, Patreon supporters get some weird things from me!

a grid of 11 sketches by Amy Crook

I did a lot of sketch cards! And a random bonus bookmark. From top left:

  • Blue dragon that hoards lost keys
  • Dramatic b&w badger for Amy B (sold)
  • Rey & Amber requested “We’re closer!” and got this Grover joke (sold)
  • Purple dragon that hoards game dice (like me!) (sold)
  • “Fuck Cancer” for Jo (sold)
  • Tiny vanilla dragon that hoards sugar cube(s) (sold)
  • Green galaxy bookmark
  • April showers for Eric (sold)
  • Spring cleaning for Jefferson (of the braaaain) (sold)
  • Sad kitty for Kelly (sold)
  • SaraBeth asked for “hope and new possibilities” and I went for a nightblooming flower!

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Card Design, Completed Commissions, People, Figures and Faces, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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March 2024 Patreon Sketches

Monday, May 13th, 2024

I wrote a LOT of words last month (over 50K!) on the new Consulting Magic book, so these were a little late, but I got ’em done. Enjoy!

  • Amber asked me to do “the artist in residence” (me) so I went a little ridiculous with it. (sold)
  • Jefferson prompted “barcodes on the brain” and really I don’t know what else you could expect from me. (sold)
  • Nick wanted a baby Chocobo.
  • Amy B said “grumple” which I decided was “grumpy skrunkle” and there he is. (sold)
  • Catherine asked for a Princess Fish.
  • Deandra asked for the Queen Bees from To Hive and to Hold, and I did the more alien-looking one, only I’m just not great at translating them from my brain so you know, don’t take her as canon lol.
  • Kelly wanted a cat + dragon, and gets this draconic kitty. (sold)
  • Eric asked for Cloud Strife in a dress, and, welp, here he is! (sold)

I hope you guys have had a great April and don’t get rained on too much!

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Completed Commissions, People, Figures and Faces, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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It’s finally 2022!

Saturday, January 1st, 2022

Self Portrait for 2022 by Amy Crook

Self Portrait for 2022 by Amy Crook

May your 2022 be measurably better in some way!

It’s been a crazy year, and the last quarter especially sapped my will to create, but, as the very end of the year came around I’ve finally gotten some stuff done. A lot of it was on a personal project that’s currently secret, but I do have a backlog of sketch cards to show you. Plus, there will be our traditional State of the Kitties post in a few days, and then a Floating Gallery sometime very soon.

How soon? Who even knows, time is meaningless.


Categories: People, Figures and Faces, Sea Creatures and Other Animals
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I Am Not Here to Please You

Monday, March 6th, 2017

I Am Not Here to Please You by Amy Crook for The Doubleclicks video

I Am Not Here to Please You, 12″x9″ pen & ink, Copic marker, and watercolor on Strathmore bristol for The Doubleclicks video “Women Know Math”

The Doubleclicks got 50 women and non-binary artists to illustrate their amazing video for Women Know Math, and I got to be part of it! I am absolutely in love with this song, the video, and everything it has to say.

Although they licensed the art for this specific use, the original is up for grabs in all its cat-filled glory. A rare self-portrait by the artist, with special guest appearances by Podsworth and Belladonna, this drawing bursts out of its boundaries with glorious movement and joy.

I Am Not Here to Please You, detail, by Amy Crook

I Am Not Here to Please You, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, there is possibly the most accurate drawing I’ve ever made of Belladonna, and some pj pants I only wish I owned. Below, you can see this drawing framed, including the very faint pencil reminder up in the top portion with the text I was meant to using.

I Am Not Here to Please You, framed art by Amy Crook

I Am Not Here to Please You, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Completed Commissions, Floating Gallery, People, Figures and Faces, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Things I'm a Fan Of
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December Patron Sketches

Wednesday, December 30th, 2015

My darling patrons over at Patreon get to request sketches when their pledge is $5 or more a month (and color for $10), and I thought I would round up the three little sketches we have from a busy December.

Portrait of the Artist in a Weasley Sweater by Amy Crook

Portrait of the Artist in a Weasley Sweater by Amy Crook

Sam and Dean Winchester at Christmas by Amy Crook

Sam and Dean Winchester at Christmas by Amy Crook

Lestrade Takes Down the Decorations by Amy Crook

Lestrade Takes Down the Decorations by Amy Crook

Categories: Whimsical and Strange
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Self-Portrait of the Artist as a Villain, with Cats

Monday, February 16th, 2015

Self-Portrait of the Artist as a Villain, with Cats, by Amy Crook

Self-Portrait of the Artist as a Villain, with Cats, by Amy Crook

It’s been so long since I dyed my hair or drew a weeble, I decided it was time for a new self-portrait. I drew myself in the style of my Sherlock and Doctor Who fan art comics, so now I, too, can be a fancy stick figure. I’ve also updated the site to match my awesome purple villain chair, I hope you enjoy the cool violets that have replaced my beloved bloody reds.

Pod is sitting in my lap, with Belladonna up top, and the three of us have identical unimpressed expressions, which amuses me greatly. The ‘NO’ t-shirt isn’t actually in my collection, but it’s one of my favorite words. It’s useful in so many situations!

Categories: People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Whimsical and Strange
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The Floating Gallery has a name!

Monday, August 26th, 2013

The Floating Gallery at Antemortem Arts arrives on the first of each month!

The Floating Gallery at Antemortem Arts arrives on the first of each month!

I got tired of not knowing what to call the little mini gallery shows I plan to have from the 1st-8th of each month, so I named it the Floating Gallery. The name is a reference to floating markets both real and imaginary, and so I obviously had to have a drawing to go with the name. I was inspired by drawings of dirigibles, pirate ships and of course Ronza*, and so I have an airship full of art coming in for a landing this Sunday.

I sent out my very first Patron’s List preview just now, with 6 new paintings (well, one’s a drawing, but you get the idea), 2 comics, and 6 new bookmarks. We’ll see what’s left when the Floating Gallery officially opens on the first! If you want your own peek behind the velvet curtains, you can join my Art Patron’s List here and get in early next month.

*I do realize only about three of you know who that is, just roll with it.

Categories: Words Words Words
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