Archive for the ‘Things I’m a Fan Of’ Category
Arthur Facepalm & Smug Eames
Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017
Last month, I put out a limited number of spots for chibi emoji commissions on my tumblr, and this is the first pair! Arthur from Inception is facepalming over something, about which Eames is inordinately proud.
These are drawn as close to a square aspect ratio as possible, so that they work as emoji on Slack. Their adorable 2-head-high chibi style conveys a lot of personality in a tiny space.
Categories: Card Design, Completed Commissions, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: arthur, chibi, commission, copic marker, eames, inception, nfs, pen and ink, sold
Saturday, May 6th, 2017
It’s Caturday – a wild Pod appears! Only this time he’s been evolved into a Russian Blue instead of his usual sleek black, hence the name.
Podovich is curled up in a fuzzy ball with just one pink ear to break up the soft, inviting grays. The white pillowy surface he’s sleeping on carries just a hint of shadow, as of course he’s found himself someplace flooded with light for his nap.
That must be why he’s got his paw over his eyes.
Where in your life do you need a kitty to remind you of the value of catnaps?
Above, you can see the little details of fur and ear and one closed eye not quite hidden completely. Below, Podovich is napping in a frame, safe and content.
Categories: Floating Gallery, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
Tags: cat, catnap, cats, copic marker, nfs, pod, sold
30 Day Marker Challenge, part 4
Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017
The amazing Sadynax gave herself a 30-day Marker Challenge last month, and I decided to do it for April to help get back in the swing of art after my surgery.
I managed to make art nearly every day this month (once I doubled up and skipped a day), and I can definitely see how I got back into using my materials as the month went on. I also got more energy to put into the finished pieces as my stamina returned, so hooray for healing!
Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Moleskines, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: 30 day marker challenge, bookmark, copic marker, gel pen, pen and ink, pencil, pokemon, sharpie marker, stars, tarot, tea
30 Day Marker Challenge, part 3
Tuesday, April 25th, 2017
The amazing Sadynax gave herself a 30-day Marker Challenge last month, and I decided to do it for April to help get back in the swing of art after my surgery. Three weeks and counting I’ve managed some daily art, hooray!
I’m giving my wonderful Patreon supporters some bonuses at the $5+ sketch levels this month, so it’s a good time to become a patron!
Categories: Card Design, Completed Commissions, Daily Art, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Tentacles, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
Tags: 30 day marker challenge, cat, cats, coffee, copic marker, desert, gel pen, jellyfish, pen and ink, pencil, pokemon, tea
Random Recipe: Cardamom Milk
Thursday, April 20th, 2017
I found a great place to buy green cardamom, and then went hunting for this recipe, which makes a wonderful, warm bedtime treat.
- 2 cups milk
- 8 cardamom pods, cracked open
- 3 tablespoons honey
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 2-3 cloves*
- 6-8 slices of candied ginger*
*Optional — if you do use candied ginger, you might want to reduce the honey a bit to keep it from being too sweet. I know it seems like a lot of spices, but since you don’t boil them, it takes more to get the same flavor as in tea.
In a small saucepan, heat everything but the vanilla, stirring constantly. Once the milk is steaming hot but not boiling, remove from heat, add vanilla, and cover. Let steep for 5 minutes, then strain out the spices and serve.
I usually add the ginger back to the cup before serving, yum.
Categories: Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
Tags: copic marker, nfs, pen and ink, recipe
30 Day Marker Challenge, part 2
Tuesday, April 18th, 2017
The amazing Sadynax gave herself a 30-day Marker Challenge last month, and I decided to do it for April to help get back in the swing of art after my surgery.
I’m giving my wonderful Patreon supporters some bonuses at the $5+ sketch levels this month, so it’s a good time to become a patron!
Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Completed Commissions, Daily Art, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Tentacles, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: 30 day marker challenge, addams family, arthur, cocktail, copic marker, food, inception, pen and ink, pencil, purrito, quartermaster, tentacles, word art
Snow Angel Eames & Murder Mal
Thursday, April 6th, 2017
Have you been Incepted yet?
Eames has paused his mad rush to the center of the maze on the 3rd level of the dream to make a snow angel, because he can. And there’s murderous, lovely Mal, in her pretty dress from the first dream, hiding something a bit pointy behind her back. Watch out for that one!
Categories: People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: chibi, copic marker, eames, inception, mal, nfs, pen and ink, sold
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