Archive for the ‘Whimsical and Strange’ Category

Dancing Wood Sprites

Sunday, June 6th, 2010

Dancing Wood Sprites by Amy Crook

Dancing Wood Sprites by Amy Crook

Echoing back to my very first daily art post, I sketched up some little dancing wood sprites in my next-to-the-bed notebook. I’m going to end up putting some of these guys in a painting or two soon, so I wanted to get a little more practice in with their long, slender limbs and angular features. I imagine these two are just a part of a big circle of dancing fae celebrating the turning of the seasons or some such.

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, Nudes and Other Sexy Things, People, Figures and Faces, Whimsical and Strange
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Reading Under a Tree 2

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

Reading Under a Tree 2 by Amy Crook

Reading Under a Tree 2 by Amy Crook

Technically I think this should be 1, as this sketch is a bit older than the one I posted last week. The willow tree shows a definite influence from Dr. Seuss — or perhaps Lawrence Yang — and the figure is taking shelter in the lee of the tree. Apparently, I also forgot to draw in clothes, since I put most of my attention into the tree, oops.

The colored background is actually from the sketchbook I was using, which has thick, creamy paper. It’s always interesting how different materials can affect the way the work comes out — I swear almost everything I’ve done in that particular sketchbook has an air of whimsy about it.

Categories: Daily Art, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Whimsical and Strange
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Loligoth Bride

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

Goth Bride by Amy Crook

Goth Bride by Amy Crook

The delightful Ang of Lowbrow Events commissioned this girl through my Be a Cartoon service over at Not Dead Yet Studios. She does alternative weddings, so she gave me free reign to doodle up any bride I wanted, as long as she was a little off the rails.

From her stripey stockings to her tiny top hat, this bride has a definite Gothic Lolita theme. I added a few spiders for extra morbidity, and then spun their web in the lining of her layered skirt. I considered doing the roses the same blood red as her hair and heart-shaped lipstick, but I decided to go with an eerie purple to match her pale violet eyes instead.

I’m happy to say Ang was thrilled, and you can find my bride lurking on the contact page of her site.

Loligoth Bride, 5″x7″ pen and ink and copic marker on watercolor paper, commission.

Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Whimsical and Strange, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
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Saturday, May 15th, 2010

Belladonna by Amy Crook

Belladonna by Amy Crook

This is a messy little doodle of one of my kitties, Belladonna, as seen from behind. She likes to curl up in bed with me whenever I’m reading, writing or drawing, and so I took a few minutes to build up this sketch of her from behind. Her markings are actually a little less defined than the ones in the sketch, but I thought a little extra stripeyness added definition to what was otherwise the big furry blob of her body. Her tail kept twitching while I drew, I think she knew I was looking at her and wanted to be left to nap in peace.

Categories: Daily Art, Whimsical and Strange
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Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

Dance by Amy Crook

Dance by Amy Crook

Another monoprint, this one full of sunshiney joy. I went through a period where I painted people in every color of the rainbow, and so we have this magenta-skinned girl with her matching hair, dancing in a green meadow full of little yellow flowers. Even the plate seems to dance on the page. Something happy for a Tuesday!

Dance, 2″x6″ monoprint on 8″x11″ watercolor paper.

Dance, detail, by Amy Crook

Dance by Amy Crook

Categories: People, Figures and Faces, Whimsical and Strange
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Key to My Heart

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

Key to My Heart, detail, by Amy Crook

Key to My Heart, detail, by Amy Crook

It’s been a long time since I had a chance to cast in bronze, but I still have a few pieces left. In this one, a small, abstracted figure stands on a strange landscape of texture and shape, with a small keyhole in the center of his chest.

The entire sculpture is actually quite small — the figure is a bare 2″ tall, and his unusual landscape is 5″x7″ at its widest points, and 3″ tall where it curls up behind him.

Key to My Heart by Amy Crook

Key to My Heart by Amy Crook

Key to My Heart by Amy Crook

Key to My Heart by Amy Crook

I left on most of the random textures created by the casting process, and in fact the cavity from which the piece gets its name was created by the shrinking of metal away from the sprue at the point of contact. The hollow made such a perfect keyhole shape that I decided to keep it rather than filling it in.

Key to My Heart by Amy Crook

Key to My Heart by Amy Crook

Key to My Heart by Amy Crook

Key to My Heart by Amy Crook

The colors were created with a combination of chemical patina that was heated with a blow torch until it bonded with the metal, and the passage of time and the oils from being held by human hands. It will continue to evolve as the piece is exposed to handling and the environment, the browns growing richer and the patterns changing subtly.

Key to My Heart, 3″x5″x7″ cast bronze.

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, People, Figures and Faces, Whimsical and Strange
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Fish Man

Monday, April 26th, 2010

Fish Man by Amy Crook

Fish Man by Amy Crook

This piece was entirely inspired by reading Koldo Barosso’s wonderful blog posts on the process of creating an album cover. The flying fish with a man’s face stuck with me, and the image of this man stuck in my head until I got up late one night and drew him, coloring his scales on a couple of subsequent late nights, using some old colored pencils. Something about the shape of his nose, the angle of elbow and arm and hand against his fishy body called out to be brought to life, and I just couldn’t not draw him, once his image popped into my mind.

Categories: Whimsical and Strange
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