Posts Tagged ‘patreon’

March 2023 Patreon sketches

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023

It’s spring here, and mostly that means sinus headaches, whee. I had fun with these Patreon supporter sketches, though, especially the addition to my 100 Cats series. Which is almost done! I hope you’re having a lovely May, and aren’t actually a cylon.

4 sketch cards by Amy Crook

March 2023 ACEO sketches by Amy Crook

  • Amy B asked for a monkey, and gets this napping weirdo. (sold)
  • Jefferson asked for a cylon, and gets the true leader of them. Cats, after all, do things by no one’s command. (sold)
  • Rey prompted “frak you, pay me!” and got a slightly abstract being of pure fiery righteousness, shaking their fist at the powers above, finished work at their back. (sold)
  • Eric asked for Willow, and I couldn’t resist drawing Jade, because her hair is amazing, her freckles are amazing, and her grumpiness is amazing. I don’t know what happened here but I’d be grumpy, too, tbh. (sold)

And with this, we are caught up entirely! But don’t worry, there’s 100 Cats to start posting soon…

Categories: Card Design, Completed Commissions, People, Figures and Faces, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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August 2022 Patreon sketches

Thursday, April 6th, 2023

So many requests that month! I had a lot of fun with them, despite a head cold that took out our whole household (but wasn’t covid, whew).

August 2022 ACEO sketches by Amy Crook

August 2022 ACEO sketches by Amy Crook

  • Max Silliness for Rey & Amber (sold)… who remembers Max Headroom?
  • Andria asked for “something steampunky” and gets zen circle gears
  • Nick asked for Constantine and gets a little sneaky King Shark bonus
August 2022 ACEO sketches by Amy Crook

August 2022 ACEO sketches by Amy Crook

  • Eric asked for Blast! and gets red-pink fireworks (sold)
  • Rebecca S asked for watermelon and gets abstract watermelony goodness
  • Look, it’s just been a ‘shaking your fist at the sky’ kind of year, okay?
  • Some experimental birbs
  • Amy B only sort of asked for Smushmallow Mal but that’s what she got (sold)
  • Jefferson asked for Dude of the Endless, and I decided his domain was coincidence: the Dude really brings things together (sold)

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Completed Commissions, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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May 2022 Patreon sketches

Tuesday, March 28th, 2023

More sketches! A lot of these get sent to patrons for my quarterly packets, so they vanish into the mist never to be seen again. I’m pretty sure these have all been sent off to new adventures!

May 2022 ACEO sketches by Amy Crook

May 2022 ACEO sketches by Amy Crook

The right column is all filler cats, because I felt like continuing with some no-line, super sketchy cats after I finished the patron sketches. We have Raccoon, Pod, and Mal from top to bottom.

The left column, top down, is for patrons! Who all asked for machines, so I decided to break out the markers and have some sketchy no-line fun.

  • Rebecca S asked for trains and got this VROoooM train
  • Eric wanted Giant Robots and got the most ridiculous kitty kaiju training bot. He knows why. (sold)
  • Jefferson prompted “vacuum cleaner” and got a tumblr meme he won’t even know (sorry), Stabby the Roomba. (sold)

Categories: Completed Commissions, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
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April 2022 Patreon sketches

Thursday, March 23rd, 2023

Guess who’s been doing sketches on Patreon for months and not posting them to the blog? It’s me! I’ll be getting the last many months of them out on the blog over the next few weeks, so please enjoy the ridiculousness.

April 2022 ACEO sketches by Amy Crook

April 2022 ACEO sketches by Amy Crook

  • This one wasn’t a prompt, I just wanted to draw trees and birbs on this orange sunset
  • Jeff asked for ‘distracted’
  • Another non-prompt experiment with salt and watercolor on yupo that got some marker topography
  • And ‘rose candy’ for Eric

These have all found a new home, but some of the later ones are still available for the discerning collector. You can also make an account and follow me on Patreon for free, where these are always posted publicly, or Instagram or Twitter, where I post some things as the mood strikes me.

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Completed Commissions, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Pretty Words, Whimsical and Strange
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March 2022 Patreon Sketches

Monday, May 9th, 2022

There should be a Floating Gallery coming for you June 1, but for now please enjoy a nice big batch of sketch cards for my darling Patreon patrons! Some of them are for specific people, and then extras get sent to my Snow Leopards in with their other quarterly goodies.

March 2022 ACEO sketches by Amy Crook

There’s eight here, only two of which are spoken for! From top left:

  • Purple abstract! I dunno, I just like it.
  • Weird silly drippy experiment abstract, which I also like now that I’ve plaid-ified the gold and turquoise a bit.
  • Jeff asked for “writer’s block” and got this shiny, trippy bit of weirdness.
  • Eric asked for SPAAAAAACE! and his is also shiny, but he gets a TARDIS.
  • This cool sky I made got a city and some birbs to go with it.
  • I gave this little raven some more cowbell and untucked his face from his wing.
  • I also gave this abstract some more cowbell and now it’s reasonably unrecognizable and also has some Concentric vibes.
  • And this last one is full Concentric, with a bunch of bursts that kind of vanish and 3 that do not. Totally something that doesn’t work in a photo, sorry.

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Completed Commissions, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
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February 2022 sketch cards

Tuesday, April 12th, 2022

It was a small month for requests, and then March gave me a terrible cold, so there’s just two quick, fun ones! There will have to be more made this month so I keep having plenty for my Snow Leopards, but please enjoy these two dumb jokes.

ACEO sketch cards by Amy Crook for Patreon supporters

  • Jeff prompted with the in-joke “Feast for Yoda” and got this equally obscure bit of humor back.
  • Rey & Amber prompted “no more spoons” and got this saying that came from… somewhere? But fuck if I know where. Sorry, person more clever than I.

Categories: Completed Commissions, Pretty Words, Things I'm a Fan Of
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January 2022 Patreon Sketches

Tuesday, March 15th, 2022

All caught up! I’ll post February’s patron sketch cards probably in early April, as I give my supporters the month of to request, and then give myself the month after to draw them and then post to Patreon on the 28th. Now that I’ve made them all this cool artist trading card/artist card edition original (ACEO) size, it’s been a lot less friction for me to sit down and get started on a set of them, and get them done with a few days of work.

ACEO sketch cards by Amy Crook

I did a half dozen this time around, almost entirely watercolor. From the top left:

  • Nick prompted “besos!” and gets Bruno from Encanto smooching a capybara, but we shouldn’t be talking about it
  • Roxanne B wanted tea, and gets this precarious pile
  • Amy B asked for a “cheeky monkey” of a kitty, and gets this little jerkface
  • this sunny sky in watercolor on yupo is just for my own amusement, and I guess if CSI ever needs my fingerprints
  • Jefferson asked for coffee and gets addict Ditto
  • Rey & Amber asked for “if you’re not bleeding, it’s not an emergency” and Amber got sky blue hair without having to go to the salon

I may do a sketch sale pretty soon, which posts to my Patreon first and then to my email list, so join one of those if you’d like a chance to own some of these!

Categories: Completed Commissions, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
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