Posts Tagged ‘rey’

April 2024 Patreon Sketches

Tuesday, June 4th, 2024

Once again, Patreon supporters get some weird things from me!

a grid of 11 sketches by Amy Crook

I did a lot of sketch cards! And a random bonus bookmark. From top left:

  • Blue dragon that hoards lost keys
  • Dramatic b&w badger for Amy B (sold)
  • Rey & Amber requested “We’re closer!” and got this Grover joke (sold)
  • Purple dragon that hoards game dice (like me!) (sold)
  • “Fuck Cancer” for Jo (sold)
  • Tiny vanilla dragon that hoards sugar cube(s) (sold)
  • Green galaxy bookmark
  • April showers for Eric (sold)
  • Spring cleaning for Jefferson (of the braaaain) (sold)
  • Sad kitty for Kelly (sold)
  • SaraBeth asked for “hope and new possibilities” and I went for a nightblooming flower!

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Card Design, Completed Commissions, People, Figures and Faces, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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March 2024 Patreon Sketches

Monday, May 13th, 2024

I wrote a LOT of words last month (over 50K!) on the new Consulting Magic book, so these were a little late, but I got ’em done. Enjoy!

  • Amber asked me to do “the artist in residence” (me) so I went a little ridiculous with it. (sold)
  • Jefferson prompted “barcodes on the brain” and really I don’t know what else you could expect from me. (sold)
  • Nick wanted a baby Chocobo.
  • Amy B said “grumple” which I decided was “grumpy skrunkle” and there he is. (sold)
  • Catherine asked for a Princess Fish.
  • Deandra asked for the Queen Bees from To Hive and to Hold, and I did the more alien-looking one, only I’m just not great at translating them from my brain so you know, don’t take her as canon lol.
  • Kelly wanted a cat + dragon, and gets this draconic kitty. (sold)
  • Eric asked for Cloud Strife in a dress, and, welp, here he is! (sold)

I hope you guys have had a great April and don’t get rained on too much!

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Completed Commissions, People, Figures and Faces, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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January 2024 Patreon Sketches

Monday, March 25th, 2024

And now we are caught up! Though of course we’ll have February’s Patreon sketches done in a few days, and then it’ll truly all be done and dusted, and in April you’ll get some actual full art pieces.

Only a 2-day delay due to illness, whew!

From the top left:

  • Rey asked for “have some fucking grace” (sold)
  • Jefferson asked for some office crows (sold)
  • Purple Space Kitty is just because reasons
  • Amy B wanted some kind of monkey and I painted this little babe (sold)
  • Eric asked for the 15th Doctor and gets chibi ball-playing 15 (sold)
  • SaraBeth asked for “sometimes hope is just spite rebranded” (sold)
  • Nick wanted Mona from Nanalan’

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
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December 2023 Patreon Sketches

Thursday, March 21st, 2024

And two sets of bonus cards, some trees and some more space, because I needed more extras for patron goodie packets.

I didn’t like the layout of horizontal to vertical cards in the photo so I solved it by drawing 3 bonus cards. I dunno, man, it made sense at the time.

From top left:

  • Eric asked for bubble tea with plum jellies and got a cheerful boba cup. (sold)
  • Carrots! bonus carrots.
  • Rey asked for Decemberween! and well, yeah. This was inevitable. (sold)
  • Kelly asked for “bridge to the stars or bridge of dreams” and got something a little more eldritch than possibly expected. But it’s sparkly! (sold)
  • Bonus potato! Or half of one, anyway. Look, I made curry this week, veg are on my mind.
  • Amy B wanted a hedgehog and I have delivered. (sold)
  • Jefferson wanted hot soup, and gets brains. He knows why. (sold)
  • Rebecca S asked for a castle and gets this vaguely ominous fortress.
  • Rhonda prompted “bee/hive” and so I did two different bee cards, because reasons. There is a whole fat fuzzy bee on the black card, but phone photos can only do so much.

And below, the bonus Space and Tree cards!

Categories: Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
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October 2023 Patreon Sketches

Thursday, March 14th, 2024

A bunch of goodies this time! Patron stuff, non-patron stuff, and spaaaaaaace!

I got in a weird mood and did a whole bunch of things that were not for patrons before getting to those, so bear with me. From the top left:

  • Jefferson asked for “patience, dammit” and gets this grumpy yet patient crow (sold)
  • This is a bird no one asked for
  • Amy B asked for “hibernate” and gets a random dark fluffball hiding in a blanket burrito, with blep (sold)
  • Skulls 1, 2, and 3 are vaguely portraits of my holiday centerpiece, which consisted of Edgar, Ezra Bean, and Dalton, respectively. Yes, I do name my skulls. Don’t you?
  • This blue galaxy is by special request (sold)
  • Eric asked for the Great Pumpkin and I went horror with it sorry (sold)
  • Rey & Amber requested “seasons change” and get some word art (sold)
  • The lunar eclipse is for SaraBeth (sold)
  • Nick wanted Pumpkin SPICY and gets a pumpkin chili pepper jack-o-lantern pun (sold)
  • Kelly asked for dragons and gets these two little dudes (sold)
  • In the second image we have a whole rainbow of galaxies! (all sold)

Thanks again for being awesome!

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
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August 2023 Patreon Sketches

Thursday, March 7th, 2024

Lots this month! Patreon supporters were engaged or something.

y’all asked for a LOT of cards the month before I went and got covid, dang! I’m late but not outside of September, so I’m going to consider it a win. There’s quite a range of styles this time, because I tended to get 2 done and then have to fuck off and do something else, lol. Enjoy!

  • Corinne wrote a fic where super soldiers in the MCU were also werewolves, and I had to draw chibi werewolf Red skull
  • Amy B asked for petrichor
  • Eric wanted cookies & cream and got ghost Oreos (sold)
  • Amber asked for the 1st day of school (sold)
  • SaraBeth asked for autumn vibes
  • JoVE asked for “ready for summer but it’s raining” (sold)
  • Jefferson asked for “hotberg icetub” because he loves to torment me (sold)
  • Andria wanted dragon(fruit) shaved ice
  • Nick asked for a Princely Bottom a la Red White & Royal Blue
  • Kelly wanted space! I love painting space cards, ngl. (sold)

And that’s all of them! So many!

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Things I'm a Fan Of
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April 2023 Patreon Sketches

Friday, February 23rd, 2024

It’s about time I started using this website again, don’t you think? Please enjoy the next, like, month’s worth of posts, which are all Patreon sketch cards from the past year.

We have 5 cards for 4 requests, because I wasn’t sure the abstract peony was working out, so I did the other one just in case, and then they both worked out so, extra flowers!

  • Eric asked for bunnies and gets a bonus Buffy quote (sold)
  • Nick asked for a peony and got two (both sold)
  • Rey asked for patience, and gets this dramatic bit of word art (sold)
  • Amy B wanted a kinkajou (sold)

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals
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