Blog « Antemortem Arts | Art & Writing by Amy Crook

End of 2020 Patreon Sketches, part 2

Posted on March 16th, 2021

Another big batch of sketches done, getting us caught up through October, with one little January request sneaking in because reasons. Corvid reasons.

Lenin & Carmilla down the left side for Dr. Tags, and then on the right we have Persevere for Rey, “Mandalorian feels” for Kim, and vampire bats for Amy B (most sold)

Espurr for Eric, crow in snow for Andria, the things in Jeff’s skull, Julius Ceasar and the Very Pointy Day for Dr. Tags, and Relax for Rey (most sold)

Categories: Completed Commissions, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Tentacles, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
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Concentric 8

Posted on March 9th, 2021

abstract art of concentric dotted circles on a purple background

Concentric 8 by Amy Crook, 9″x12″ watercolor on paper, sold

It’s art that I finished in 2021! I’m very happy to be back at it finally, now that all the stress and extra tasks of moving have been largely dealt with (unpacking is eternal).

I’ve had this purple background for a while now, and I finally got the motivation over a few days of work to get this lovely, fireworks-like addition to the Concentric series done. I put it up on my Patreon while it was in progress, and one of my wonderful supporters claimed it before it was even done!

Below, you can see a zoomed-in angle view of some of the lovely metallic and iridescent paints that I used for this meditative work. I tried to stick to a certain palette, but I couldn’t resist sneaking in a little gold for the very middle burst. Which set of circles is your favorite?

close-up of abstract art with metallic dotted circles on a purple background

Concentric 8, detail, by Amy Crook

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Series and Books
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End of 2020 Patreon Sketches, part 1

Posted on March 2nd, 2021

I’ve been very slowly getting caught up with my Patreon sketch tier art since the move, so here’s the first part of the whatever-whenever-time-is-meaningless sketches from Q3-4!

“Autumn Feelings” for Kim, and the crest of Riegan from Fire Emblem for Eric (both sold)

Purple abstract for funsies, and some tentacles for Rebecca (both sold)

“Calvin, STOP!” for Rey, “Halloween & Autumn” for Andria, bookmark for funsies, some kissing princes for Nick, and “I can stop anytime” for Amber (most sold)

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Completed Commissions, People, Figures and Faces, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Tentacles, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
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2021 State of the Kitties

Posted on February 18th, 2021

Including some things about the artist after the cat picspam!

Though it does need the preface that I’ve successfully moved across the country, so there are now SIX cats instead of two to update you on!

photo of a chonky black cat asleep on a pillow

Poddleston/Naps = OTP

Pod, the OG kitty of my pair, is up first! He is adjusting to winter by sleeping a lot, either on the heating pad or under the covers, or occasionally in front of the space heater in my room. He mostly just lives in my room, but he’s getting more and more brave on the occasions I hide their food bowl from cats 3-6 and leave my bedroom door open for him. The sound of bagels being toasted is still a guaranteed draw!

He’s still got a lot of kitty anxiety, but he’s slowly getting used to the other humans in this house, and seems to find Mal the familiar kitty face, though Gramsci is starting to win him over by being a harmless muppet. Dan and his magical cat whisperer powers has actually gotten Pod to come to him for pets a time or two, especially when the multi-cat Feliway diffusers have just been refilled.

A poll of the household agreed he is the most spoiled of all 6 cats, so do not worry for him. He’s being taken good care of.

a lynx point siamese cat peeking out from under the covers

Malfeasance does not believe winter should be allowed

Mal absolutely loves having a whole house to sniff and explore! She even is starting to make friends with the two muppet cats, playing with Gramsci and trying to figure out playing with our nervous ex-feral, Raccoon. She’s definitely adjusted better than Pod, but she still prefers to be on the Amy side of any door if that’s the choice she’s being given. She also takes a lot of naps in the bedroom with Pod, and they definitely have a solidarity thing going against the strange new world.

She has a harness for eventual walkies, but even though I got her somewhat used to it beforehand, the moment her paws hit the cold porch she ZOOMED back inside. A very indignant NOPE! She keeps trying to want outside, but outside keeps being A Temperature That Should Not Exist to her California-bred mind. Other than that, though, she’s really just become one of the kitties, sleeping with me but otherwise happy to roam around if I’m out of my hermit cave.

photo of a black cat asleep in a sunbeam

Gramsci the harmless muppet

Gramsci gets away with so much by being too dumb not to know it’s a bad idea, lol. He is the sweetest, most harmless boy. He’s the one who ventures into my room the most, although he’s mostly in it for the food he’s not allowed to have (he’s on a prescription diet) and the warms he is totally allowed to share. He’s the one who plays chase and incompetently play fights with a hyper Mal, and also manages to sniff Pod without distressing him too much. He’s the same age as Pod (12) and they’re very opposite but both lovely sweet old men.

photo of a grey and white cat looking deeply offended

Lenin the grumpy old man

This is Lenin! He is also 12. He hates all other kitties but maybe not Gramsci. But really, he is not happy about there being six cats, and will commit pee crimes to let everyone know. Fortunately he’s also very loveable, just a huge cuddler and very into pets and purring, and thus is forgiven despite his criminal nature. He’s kind of hissy at the other cats when the multi-cat calming stuff runs low, so Lenin being a dick is how we know to check them.

photo of a white cat with tabby patches sleeping

Raccoon, nervous but oh so fluffy

Raccoon is one of the two young ladies of the house! They are about 2 years younger than Mal, and this one used to be a feral in a fighty cat colony, as evidenced by her one bitten-off ear tip. Yowch. She is very very food-oriented, but also once she settles in your lap no amount of shifting or fidgeting will convince her to move. If you get Raccooned, you live there now and there is no escape.

She wants to play fight, but is really, really bad at it — she has managed it with Gramsci pretty well, but she and Mal are still working on it. They’ll figure it out someday, though.

photo of a tabby cat peeking around a corner

Carmilla, not a cat person

And the shyest of the bunch, Carmilla! She looooves pets, but is just not interested in other cats at all, thank you very much. Once she figured out that living mostly in one person’s room was allowed, she took up residence in the kid’s room and began insisting on taking her meals upstairs where the other cats won’t stare hungrily as she takes her time finishing. She will cuddle and purr up a storm with a willing human, but flees at the first hint another cat might consider interacting with her.

Ironically they got her from the shelter with Raccoon because the shelter said the two had bonded, but once they got a forever home, turns out nope. No they had not. But they both seem content here, well-fed, well-loved, warm and happy.

Just like all of the kitties!

a lynx point siamese cat and a black cat cuddling on a pillow

Malware & Podzilla vs the world

And now for your artist news…

I’m still alive, for one thing! Despite all of the extreme drama at the end of 2020 (not just on a national level, but a personal one in a much more stressful way), I am still not dead yet. Heh.

I live in upstate New York now, not the city, where the Cost of Living is about half for housing/food/etc. I moved in with my friends the Drs. Tags, a pair of wonderful poli sci profs and giant nerds. We don’t share a brain precisely, but there are definitely brain cells being shared around. Dr. Dan is a punk full of piercings and tats, with pink (soon to be blue?) hair, and a barber he was willing to share. Dr. Corinne is a fangirl nerd, and the one I knew much better before moving — it turns out internet friends are real people! They have a kid who I get along with pretty well, and who is old enough not to be too annoying and young enough to not be a teen yet. Expect to hear little about kid, for internet privacy reasons.

I’ve got my room kitted out with some nice furniture, including an antique dresser I found online and a modest and very climbable cat tree for his chonkiness. Once I get a few more decorations up, I’ll post a few pics, but it’s warm and cozy and I’m working on making it functional for more than just sleeping, heh. All of my boxes and stuff arrived safely and the majority of the unpacking that’s going to be done right away is done now. Whew!

a photograph out a window of trees in winter

It’s winter out there, all right. Good thing I don’t leave the house!

Perhaps a bit about art?

I’m back to making art! My Etsy shop is all caught up finally, and right now I’m concentrating on getting my giant backlog of Patreon sketch cards done. I have finished one new painting since I got here, Concentric 8, and it’s already sold to one of my Patreon supporters. My commissions queue is also super full, but I’m finally starting to get a rhythm going with getting work done vs family time vs introvert time.

You’ll see some posts soon with new sketch cards and that one painting, and I plan to get a few more art pieces done as well. I’ve got another odd little abstract that’s 90% done, and an underwater tentacle painting that’s mostly ready to go, too. I’m going to keep offering first dibs on Patreon, so if you want to be in on the first wave, you can pledge there for as little as $1/month or <$11/year. That’s my main source of rent money right now, too, so it’s a great way to help an artist out in a very affordable way.

detail photo of a purple abstract painting with concentric circles of shiny dots

Concentric 8, detail, sold

PS – all these images are from my Instagram, because I was never gonna post this if there was photoshop involved. It’s a better year than last year, but it’s still 2021 here, too. Stay safe, cats, kittens, & kiddies!

Categories: Words Words Words
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String Theory

Posted on September 17th, 2020

String Theory, 6″x6″ watercolor on paper

This weird little abstract sold to one of my Patreon supporters when it previewed, and got to skip the gallery experience entirely. It’s definitely a painting in which different people see different things, but the swirling layers of color and texture are certainly mesmerising.

It started as so many things of mine do as a background painted and left to sit on a shelf, while the back of my brain processed ideas for what to do with it. Eventually I went to pick texture out of the color and then add color back in to the texture with shades of purple and a hint of blue. There’s even a touch of shimmer along the right side, which will subtly shine in the right light.

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird
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Posted on September 15th, 2020

Chickadee, 6″x6″ watercolor on paper

I’ve finally managed to mail my Mom her Mother’s Day gift this year, belated of course because time is meaningless in 2020, so now you can all see what she got!

She loves paintings of birds, and so I decided to do something fun for me with this orb-shaped, fluffed-up little winter chickadee. It’s got a lot of very pale, subtle shades, from the winter blue sky to the cream underbelly, but my old scanner did its best.

This little borb is a bit cranky about something, perhaps the cold — it’s certainly puffed up enough to keep warm!

Categories: Floating Gallery, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Whimsical and Strange
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September’s Floating Gallery is CLOSED!

Posted on September 9th, 2020

See you again soon!

The Floating Gallery has pulled up stakes and drifted off into the sunset!

I hope you enjoyed September’s temporary exhibits, and will be back another month for more. This month’s pieces have been sold or retired to make room for all new art. Join the email list to get an early pass into all the future Floating Galleries.

In the meantime, my Etsy shop is still open, and there will be comics and other, stranger posts here on the blog. You can also support me on Patreon if you want to make sketch requests, get downloads, get dibs on pieces as they’re finished, or just feel good about yourself as a patron of the arts!

Categories: Floating Gallery

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