Archive for the ‘Pretty Words’ Category
November 2023 Patreon Sketches
Monday, March 18th, 2024
We’re catching up! Since patron sketches get done the month after requests, December’s the last of this batch (though January will be ready before these are all posted, lol).
As requested! 😻 There’s two sets, watercolor & ink/marker, so please enjoy both.
- Jo asked for “something banishing winter gloom with light”
- Jeff asked for “time shift” and this winter winds blowing the autumn away is the second try (sold)
- Rebecca W asked for “giant Lapis tiny Lenin” since it often looks that way in pics
- Rebecca S asked for honeybees! (sold)
- This was the first try at “time shift” for Jeff, but somehow the ‘Murica overwhelmed the Doppler reference.
- Next comes my wee monster Andy and “ew mouthpets!” for SaraBeth (sold)
- Eric wanted “Loth cat Ezra” and got Ezra as a Loth cat, because why not? (sold)
- Corinne asked, “Is Mikey CAKE?”
- And finally, Amy B asked for a Christmas vampire and got this charming, trustworthy fellow (sold)
Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
Tags: amy b, bee, cat, copic marker, corinne, eric, jefferson, jo vanevery, pen and ink, rebecca s, rebecca w, sarabeth, star wars, watercolor
October 2023 Patreon Sketches
Thursday, March 14th, 2024
A bunch of goodies this time! Patron stuff, non-patron stuff, and spaaaaaaace!
I got in a weird mood and did a whole bunch of things that were not for patrons before getting to those, so bear with me. From the top left:
- Jefferson asked for “patience, dammit” and gets this grumpy yet patient crow (sold)
- This is a bird no one asked for
- Amy B asked for “hibernate” and gets a random dark fluffball hiding in a blanket burrito, with blep (sold)
- Skulls 1, 2, and 3 are vaguely portraits of my holiday centerpiece, which consisted of Edgar, Ezra Bean, and Dalton, respectively. Yes, I do name my skulls. Don’t you?
- This blue galaxy is by special request (sold)
- Eric asked for the Great Pumpkin and I went horror with it sorry (sold)
- Rey & Amber requested “seasons change” and get some word art (sold)
- The lunar eclipse is for SaraBeth (sold)
- Nick wanted Pumpkin SPICY and gets a pumpkin chili pepper jack-o-lantern pun (sold)
- Kelly asked for dragons and gets these two little dudes (sold)
- In the second image we have a whole rainbow of galaxies! (all sold)
Thanks again for being awesome!
Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
Tags: amy b, brush and ink, dragon, jefferson, kelly, moon, nick, pen and ink, rey, sarabeth, space, watercolor
September 2023 Patreon Sketches
Monday, March 11th, 2024
With more vintage Patreon commentary, lol.
and they’re even on time!
- Nick asked for a Moogle and here it is
- This odd little abstract has some space-ish echoes in it. And purple! (sold)
- Jefferson asked for pumpkin spice soccer, so this one’s his fault entirely (sold)
- A random bonus nebula (sold)
- This DMB quote is always a good reminder
- Lickitung is here to help me troll Corinne, sorry not sorry
- Eric asked for board game night, and got an homage to our old game store (sold)
- SaraBeth wanted cake! And since I have no idea what anyone’s fave colors are, it’s purple
Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Pretty Words, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
Tags: black paper, copic marker, corinne, eric, final fantasy, jefferson, nick, pen and ink, pokemon, sarabeth, space, watercolor
August 2023 Patreon Sketches
Thursday, March 7th, 2024
Lots this month! Patreon supporters were engaged or something.
y’all asked for a LOT of cards the month before I went and got covid, dang! I’m late but not outside of September, so I’m going to consider it a win. There’s quite a range of styles this time, because I tended to get 2 done and then have to fuck off and do something else, lol. Enjoy!
- Corinne wrote a fic where super soldiers in the MCU were also werewolves, and I had to draw chibi werewolf Red skull
- Amy B asked for petrichor
- Eric wanted cookies & cream and got ghost Oreos (sold)
- Amber asked for the 1st day of school (sold)
- SaraBeth asked for autumn vibes
- JoVE asked for “ready for summer but it’s raining” (sold)
- Jefferson asked for “hotberg icetub” because he loves to torment me (sold)
- Andria wanted dragon(fruit) shaved ice
- Nick asked for a Princely Bottom a la Red White & Royal Blue
- Kelly wanted space! I love painting space cards, ngl. (sold)
And that’s all of them! So many!
Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: amy b, andria, black paper, copic marker, corinne, eric, jefferson, jo vanevery, kelly, nick, pen and ink, posca marker, rey, sarabeth, watercolor
July 2023 Patreon Sketches
Monday, March 4th, 2024
More sketches, more Pokemon. My patrons know what they like, I guess?
Sketch card time! Y’all gave me ALL the prompts for next month, but this time there were only 5. SaraBeth, I haven’t forgotten you, keep your eyes out for a whole set of ghosts in cute costumes next week!
I also went and made wee travel palettes of basically all my watercolors, and then had fun using them for this.
- Amy B asked for “melt” and gets word art entirely from the warm colors palette (sold)
- Eric asked for a Pokemon and got the first thing that I saw when I opened GO, so blame them, but also enjoy this in its 3 shades of blue (sold)
- Jefferson asked for “iceberg hot tub” so here’s a polar bear enjoying a bath, also all in blue (sold)
- Nick asked for some good luck and also 🧡 so here’s an only slightly menacing bit of word art from the greens palette, with bonus hearts from the warms when I pulled it out for Amy’s melty card
Categories: Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: amy b, eric, jefferson, nick, pokemon, sketch, watercolor
April 2023 Patreon Sketches
Friday, February 23rd, 2024
It’s about time I started using this website again, don’t you think? Please enjoy the next, like, month’s worth of posts, which are all Patreon sketch cards from the past year.
We have 5 cards for 4 requests, because I wasn’t sure the abstract peony was working out, so I did the other one just in case, and then they both worked out so, extra flowers!
- Eric asked for bunnies and gets a bonus Buffy quote (sold)
- Nick asked for a peony and got two (both sold)
- Rey asked for patience, and gets this dramatic bit of word art (sold)
- Amy B wanted a kinkajou (sold)
Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals
Tags: amy b, black paper, bunny, eric, nick, patreon, rey, sketch, watercolor, word art
December 2022 Patreon sketches
Thursday, April 20th, 2023
There are, of course, a couple of cats.

December 2022 ACEO sketches by Amy Crook
- Rey & Amber prompted 2023 (sold)
- Eric asked for volcano and look it just happened, okay. Blame Raccoon (pose) and Lapis (stank). (sold)
- Amy B asked for gingerbread and got a cat. This is not a surprise to anyone. (sold)
- And Jefferson prompted “Screw that. This train is hitting the goddamn snooze button.” (sold)
Categories: Completed Commissions, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Whimsical and Strange
Tags: 100cats, aceo, cat, copic marker, nfs, pen and ink, sold
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